I have always loved adventure – whether it has been in my career, my entrepreneurial activities, or my life. On my travels, I have met so many terrific people, learned about their culture, their perspectives. Every year, I take a trip with family, or friends, or sometimes alone to a new destination. It renews and inspires me, and I hope that my commentaries will inspire you to explore our shared world as well as to value and marvel at what may appear at the time to be seemingly small and unimportant moments in this wonderful time that we have on this earth. Feed your adventurous side and revel in the power of moments with Meandering Musings!

Recent Podcasts

The $2 Bill

I carry a $2 bill with me at all times, a practice inspired by my late friend Steve Urner, who would distribute them as tokens of appreciation. This habit not only keeps Steve’s... Read More

Rediscovering the Root Beer Float

The other day, I indulged in a root beer float for the first time in decades, instantly transporting me back to childhood summers. This nostalgic experience led me to reflect on the simple... Read More